Thursday, April 4, 2013

The Third (Fourth?) Musketeer: Laina!

Laina circa Fall 2012
Laina was somewhat of a surprise.  At the time I was living in Arizona, teaching and playing with my two dogs (Junah and Bart).  We made a great little pack unto ourselves- the three musketeers. Junah, Bart, and I lived in complete harmony.  We understood ourselves individually, and as a unit.
Now, enter Laina.
A friend and co-worker of mine asked if I was interested in taking/having his dog.  She was a Great Dane he told me. Instantly my ears perked up.  If I recall accurately, I believe I inquired as to why.  The brief explanation is that he and his ex were splitting up, the ex didn't want her, and he could not have her in his current living situation.  He told me that if I couldn't take her, then they were going to send her to a rescue in California.
Well, anyone who knows me knows that I couldn't have that!
"Sure, I'll take her!" I said.  Granted, this was spring, and I would be moving back to Michigan in a month or so...
"Okay," he replied with a smile, "that is great!  I know you would give her a great home and that I can trust you!" (It's nice being the type of person that people can trust, with undying faith, to take care of their animals.)
It was then decided that he would come over with Laina and she would meet the clan, and the drop-off would occur.
When they came to my apartment the following weekend, Junah and Bart greeted her as properly as any dogs could treat another canine guest: sniffing and smelling all around.  Then, they settled down.  Laina was excited to be in a new place, and was just "hanging out."  Then, my co-worker (who will remain nameless unless he says I can use his name) got up, said good-bye, and left.  If I could then read Laina's mind at that moment, it would go something like this: "Wait!  Where did he go?  Over here?  Over here?  No, maybe I missed him over here?  Maybe in this window? Where is he?  Let's try here again!..."  This dialogue would have occurred as she was bounding from one window, to another, to the door, and back again.
Once she realized that she may have to survive with this new pack, she quickly tried to establish dominance over Bart (as not to be the bottom of the order).  That, needless to say, didn't go great with myself or the two other founding members of the group.  I believe that moment helped even further to solidify Junah and Bart's relationship as a team.  They were kind, but firmly let her know that the antics she was trying to display toward Bart were not going to be put up with.  I got involved when I needed to, but mostly, I just sat back and watched this interesting, age old, process develop: the inclusion of another into an already defined pack.
I love my posse!
 My co-worker/friend came over several times before we moved to see Laina and the other pooches in her new family.  Below is a picture of him swimming with Laina and Bart one last time in Saguaro Lake before we moved (as usual, Junah was with his mama, who was taking the photo).
Laina has immersed herself into our clan, and is a very sweet, loving, and silly dog most of the time.
But, you always have to watch out for her licker! She is definitely a repeat offender!

All-in-all it has worked out great.  Junah and Bart remained best buds until Junah's recent passing, but they knew Laina was part of the mix- just not a part of their "boys' club." This didn't concern Laina in the least- she became a momma's girl.  Now if only I could go to the bathroom solo once in awhile!

We definitely are a pack now, for better or worse.  The four musketeers were created that original day (back in Spring of 2009)- us against the world!  "All for one, one for all!"
Our pack!
Bart and Laina

Out on a one would mess with The Four Musketeers!

1 comment:

  1. These are so fun to read Sarah! I can tell that you are having fun writing them! Keep up the good work!
