Wednesday, April 17, 2013


Storms.  My dogs hate them.  I should have known something was coming when Laina was pacing with a manic sense of anxiety.  Pacing and panting....panting and pacing.  It was enough to drive me crazy!

The current map...most of the storms have passed...but not all.

I know of some dogs that have such anxiety and stress when it comes to severe weather they need a tranquilizer.  My aunt had such a dog.  They would bring him in from outside, and put him in my uncle's office.  Well, one time he had not received the tranquilizer and destroyed the office as only a large dog could.  They watched the weather report more closely after that one.
Each dog reacts in his/her own way.  Some don't react at all; but I think it is an innate, natural, survival instinct, deep within the canine history.
When Junah was with us, he would all of a sudden disappear, and hide upstairs, at the end of the hall.  Odd, right?  Well, with the doors closed up there, it was completely dark, offering a mock sense of protection.  Now, he would not stay there exclusively.  If I happen to go into another room, you can bet he was charging in behind me...he wasn't going to be left alone for anything!
Now, the Bartman.  Well, he is just completely under my feet.  Sometimes I like to play with him, and randomly move around the house just to see if he will follow (he always does).  Then, when he lies down, I move again.  A little mean, a little amusing, but no harm is done.  It can be considered part of the walk he would have gone on if it wasn't storming out.  His favorite place to lie is under my feet when I'm at the computer.  I think the desk offers a sense of additional protection (and this is where he is currently located as I type).
Laina.  Well...she doesn't hide like her brothers.  Maybe she's tougher.  Maybe she doesn't rely on my presence for her sense of security as they did/do.  Who knows?  But, she is the only one who is bark after EVERY SINGLE BOOM from the thunder.  Yes, I mean EVERY one!  As if to say, "Bring it on!"  Where Bart looks at me and moves closer then lightning flashes, Laina prepares to bark...loudly.  Great Dane barks are more like echoes of the thunder itself in their "BOOMS!"  Laina does pace, although that is short-lived.  The barking is not.
So, I had a hider.  Now I continue to have a follower and a barker/boomer.
And, to think, I STILL love storms...
Laina implying, 'Why, yes, I am about to bark.'

Junah feeling safe with his papa.

Bart- "You are not getting out of here without me on your heels.  So, don't even think about moving."

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